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Entry 4

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Why not destroy everything? because that would give into my Roman Ancestry, a part of my blood I do not wish to glorify in any way. The destruction of all would also cause the destruction of myself and of those I love . . . And the Damnation of my soul . . . If there truly is one in anything.

My conciousness was awakened some time ago, when my blood ran strong and true with Gallic only. My ancestors, as early as possible to trace, were centered in Gaul, Carnutes, I believe. My family gave up their horse rank for the training of Druids. I spring from the most powerful druids of Gaul, and when Gaius Caesar invaded, his men were allowed to have free reign over the territory they had conquered. After battles, men from the Roman Army would, if they had taken a City, usually, enjoy the Gallic women without Invitation! Caesar stopped this when he learned of it, but he was too late for my line. One of the women spoiled was of my line, and the resulting child was lucky enough to stay free after Cenabaum was taken [burned]. My connection with the Druids ends there.

My family's lineage was spoiled further with the introduction of Germanic blood in the first few centuries A.D., This time by choice. Dutch Royalty was added in later, and also, still later, English blood.

The belief that the destruction of the everything would cause the Damnation of my soul is seen in Pythagoras' Metapsychosis. Without another body to enter, my soul would be forced to wander endlessly, and, as there is nothing more to learn, would cause me to become utterly and completely bored with the unlife in general. After that is the destruction that is in my blood from that one Roman soldier, whether a blessing of civilization or

A curse of desctruction comes from said lineage, I don't know. But does it really matter?

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