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ADF's membership levels are easy to be impressed with or worried about. Because of that, I wanted to put together something that would help show what ADF's membership levels really look like in Our Fellowship. To that end, this page is a series of membership maps that show what ADF's membership distribution looks like, not in numbers, but in a more spatial, creative manner.

I do these maps when I think about them, and I didn't make the first two maps (showing membership in ADF in the US in 2000). Those first two maps inspired me to keep these things going, as irregularly as it's been, because I think they show us some important things about Our Fellowship.

So without further ado, here are the maps:

The first map shows our membership by state and province in June 2000.

As you can see, much of our strength seems centered in the northeast, with a strong concentration in Ohio, New York, and Michigan.

The map below shows the number of members per county in the same month.

I do not plan to re-do this map; it's simply too much work and I don't have the right resources. I wish I did, though, because it's absolutely fascinating. It gives us a slightly different idea of where our members are concentrated: Syracuse, NY; Los Angels, CA; Tucson, AZ; Cleveland, OH; and An Arbor, MI are our largest concentrations.

Unfortunately, the map is somewhat incomplete, as it doesn't have the key that I assume was originally attached to it. If anyone has a complete map with key, I would very much appreciate it. I presume the colour grades are similar to the other June 2000 map (i.e. darker = more members).

So, in June of 2000, ADF's map of the world (or as I like to call it, the ADF Map of World Domination) looked like this:

Not bad. We had a slight European presence. What that doesn't really show is the number of members, which was probably very low in each country.

Now, we move onto when I did my first re-mapping of ADF. I took the old map and updated the information on it, and came up with this:

Spiffy-keen, right? The membership numbers are much higher, we have members in all but four states, and our membership concentration has shifted a bit. This is about where ADF ceases to be focused on the northeast (though the presence is still strong), and begins to move westward some. California and Ohio are the only states with more than 50 members, and they've outstripped New York.

Now, back to the ADF Map of World Domination for August 2003:

As you can see, we've lost the members in Austria, but we've gained members in Germany. Again, we don't have definite membership numbers, but it gives you the idea.

Recently, I decided that I wanted to look at this again. I wanted to find out where the membership was located when we broke 900 members around January of 2005, so I started a whole new set of maps. Here is North America:

I had to find a map of all of North America because just a map of America was no longer going to cut it. Ontario alone proves that ADF isn't just an American thing anymore. In this map, you can see that there are only three states that have no ADF members, and a couple of Canadian provinces. (My apologies to the Canadians for not having a fully up-to-date map of Canada and the US. I tried, but you guys keep changing your provinces around.

Some exciting things can be seen on this map: First, there's the obvious Canadian presence; Also, we're really picking up members in certain states that have always had transient members before, such as Louisiana; Florida is beginning to pick up members; and the west is becoming a real source for new members and growth. On this map, Arizona and New York are in the same class, and Kansas and Missouri are really beginning to pick up in the center of the US.

Note also that I included the totals of members in the rest of the world. I'd also like to point out that the ADF Map of World Domination for February 2005 is a bit more full, but something worrisome to me is also showing up. See if you spot it:

That's right! Where did Europe go?

We had members in France for a while. . . where did they go? And it seems that for those speaking German, ADF might not have been for them. We should seriously think about whether this is something we need to look at. The Netherlands still hang on, but for how long? We need to make sure that we're providing for these members as well.

But really, I find myself amused by the fact that the sun never sets on the ADF empire now.

Note that we have members now in New Zeland, Japan, and Ireland. Also, there's a Protogrove in Britain at this point. In all, we've added countries, even though we lost two in the EU.

Now, let's get a bit more focused, shall we?

Ireland has two members, and they're both located around Dublin.

England has 8 members, and they're located all over the place, but the Grove (marked in blue) is located in Nottinghamshire.

The Australians are both located in New South Wales.

There is, unfortunately, insufficient data to figure out more exactly where others are.

I'd like to move on now to maps of Groves and Protogroves. We'll start with a map I made of all the Groves and Protogroves on May 28, 2002:

Here, you can see that most of our Groves were located in the northeast, matching, to some extent, our population. The situation changed a bit over the next few years, though:

You'll see in this map that the Groves and Protogroves of ADF are more well distributed across the nation. We're finally starting to fill in the central US, slowly but surely, and we have a number of chartered Groves on the west coast. What this map doesn't show is that the west coast Groves are some of our largest in membership at this time. Also, in the lower right corner, you'll see that we have one Protogrove in Britain, as well.

One thing about this map is that it also shows that some of our chartered Groves have died out, for a net loss of three Groves. There is a net gain of three Protogroves, and so the number of Groves and Protogroves flip-flops between 2002 and 2005. There are a few reasons for this: first, a few Groves have disaffiliated between 2002 and 2005 and gone their own way for various reasons; second, some Groves have gone from Grove status to Protogrove status. Some have simply been lost due to leaders moving or members leaving ADF.

The growth of Protogroves is a better indication that ADF is growing strongly, though, and it's important to focus on that. There are 21 states with a Grove or PG in them in 2002, and there are now 24 states with Groves in them. We had small Protogroves in Canada as our only international congregations in 2002. In 2005, we have the same number of Protogroves in Canada, but we've added one in Britain.

I simply wanted to provide a graphical representation of our membership, wherever they may be. Here's hoping it helped.


Content © 2003-2005, Michael J Dangler
Updated on 02/10/2005. Site Credits / Email Me!
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(Yes, I stole it!)