Longitudes/Latitudes For Common Locations

for determining sunrise/sunset times

For use with Custom Sunrise/Sunset Calendar page.

Latitude: 40.04113800
Longitude: -82.96913100
Latitude: 40.001312
Longitude: -83.01589900
Chadwick Arboretum Labyrinth:
Latitude: 40.005980
Longitude: -83.026470
Brushwood: Main camping area:
Latitude: 40.003546
Longitude: -79.637000
Brushwood: Nemeton:
Latitude: 42.116500
Longitude: -79.635250
Camp Clifton (Summerlands Festival)
Latitude: 39.790600
Longitude: -83.839795
Parent's house
Latitude: 41.707039
Longitude: -88.172644
Maggie's house
Latitude: 39.992963
Longitude: -83.031200

For further locations, check Stephen P. Morse's Address to Longitude/Latitude page, and review MapQuest's Longitude/Latitude Finder to fine-tune your location.