Operation: MindFuck (OM)

For those of you who don't know what Operation: MindFuck is, it's a product of the Discordian Society.

If that doesn't explain everything, this might:

Basically, what OM does is confuse the hell out of any person who is either sufficiently deserving or who you think should be.

I'm implementing OM for one simple reason:

This Editorial

Note, in particular, points 12 and 13. This man deserves to be MindFucked.

Examples of MindFuck are available online.

A complete text of Appendix Yod, Illuminatus! Trilogy.

A good example of MindFuck.

And a decent definition of MindFuck.

And this is my personal contribution to the cause:

My letter to Kevin Horrigan

The most important thing is to tell him he's stupid, but in a very, very funny manner. We want to embarrass him and make it known that he can't speak out against us with impunity. Do not send anything serious, especially threats! I will not tolerate that. Death isn't funny, nor is hurting him in any physical way. He deserves to suffer the same embarrassment that we have.

Please send MindFucks to khorrigan@post-dispatch.com, pdeditor@post-dispatch.com, letters@post-dispatch.com,

St. Louis Post-Dispatch
900 N. Tucker Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63101

and 314 340-8000 or 800 365-0820

The president of the Post Dispatch is at tegger@post-dispatch.com, and I highly suggest you write him, as well.

All those addresses are from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch website.

You are also welcome to post things on the internet under his name. Enjoy.

For those of you who know me, you know I don't often go off on things. Divisive comments and bigotry in the face of war are not something I take lightly. I'm instituting OM for a very simple reason: I want this person to know he didn't piss off a silent minority.

I don't care how you respond, but I think that by sending mass emails and letters, we can OM this guy into making an appology. Even after that is done, however, OM means we have to continue. Send this guy stuff for years, any time you think about it.

UPDATE!: I received a letter from the president of the Post-Dispatch saying that he would take it up with the Editorial Department. See, This stuff works!